英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 08:09:38
  • 双语例句

1. Since Cyclone Nargis struck Myanmar, the Burmese government, industry leaders, residents and NGOs have been striving to return the lives of its people to normalcy. Six months after the storm, Tzu Chi volunteers held a groundbreaking ceremony for Da Ai homes in San Pya Village of Kungyangon which will be able to provide 744 families with a shelter from wind and rain. While they were there, volunteers also carried out home visits and an aid distribution for the villagers.

2. Worn with pain, and weak from the prolonged hardships which I had undergone, I was removed, with a great train of wounded sufferers, to the base hospital at Peshawar. Here I rallied, and had already improved so far as to be able to walk about the wards, and even to bask a little upon the veranda, when I was struck down by enteric fever, that curse of our In-dian possessions.

3. It is hard not to be struck by parallels with recent events.


4. No one can fail to be struck with her charm.

5. It happen'd one Day about Noon going towards my Boat, I was exceedingly surpriz'd with the Print of a Man's naked Foot on the Shore, which was very plain to be seen in the Sand: I stood like one Thunder-struck, or as if I had seen an Apparition; I listen'd, I look'd round me, I could hear nothing, nor see any Thing, I went up to a rising Ground to look farther, I went up the Shore and down the Shore, but it was all one, I could see no other Impression but that one, I went to it again to see if there were any more, and to observe if it might not be my Fancy; but there was no Room for that, for there was exactly the very Print of a Foot, Toes, Heel, and every Part of a Foot; how it came thither, I knew not, nor could in the least imagine.


6. When the rain struck, many flowers have been knocked, covered with dirt paths have also been milled out of a Road, the car marks, however, after heavy rain, it will be incomparably brilliant color blue as the sky was clear water wash off the shelf from a rainbow; mud filled potholes in the road are also lively little jumped out of a few kids may feel sympathy and affection of the earthworm.

7. be struck with

7. And now it`s confession time: I`m sure I could have saved you $100 million or so, pre-tax, if I had acted more promptly to shut down Gen Re Securities. Both Charlie and I knew at the time of the General Reinsurance merger that its derivatives business was unattractive. Reported profits struck us as illusory, and we felt that the business carried sizable risks that could not effectively be measured or limited. Moreover, we knew that any major problems the operation might experience would likely correlate with troubles in the financial or insurance world that would affect Berkshire elsewhere. In other words, if the derivatives business were ever to need shoring up, it would commandeer the capital and credit of Berkshire at just the time we could otherwise deploy those resources to huge advantage. A historical note: We had just such an experience in 1974 when we were the victim of a major insurance fraud. We could not determine for some time how much the fraud would ultimately cost us and therefore kept more funds in cash-equivalents than we normally would have. Absent this precaution, we would have made larger purchases of stocks that were then extraordinarily cheap.

8. This remark struck a panic terror into several who were present, insomuch that one or two of the ladies were going to leave the room; but a friend of mine, taking notice that one of our female companions was big with child, affirmed there were fourteen in the room, and that, instead of portending one of the company should die, it plainly forebode one of them should be born.

9. If Laertes struck Hamlet hard with the sword, he would be killed within a few minutes.

10. Also, without being actually positive, it struck him a great field was to be opened up in the line of opening up new routes to keep pace with the times apropos of the Fishguard-Rosslare route which, it was mooted, was once more on the tapis in the circumlocution departments with the usual quantity of red tape and dillydallying of effete fogeydom and dunderheads generally.

11. As it happened, the orangutan lost interest before penetration took place, but the aspect of the story that struck me most forcefully was that in the eyes of someone who has lived much of her life with orangutans, to be seen by one of them as an object of sexual interest is not a cause for shock or horror.

12. The poor and humble will have great confidence, while the proud will be struck with fear.

13. If we can pay love and respect to her, she will give us her enough love. we shouldn't be bad kids who wanna use out of mother's resource and leave a over-damaged earth to the next generation. we should be struck with awe to nature and appreciate her for all which she gives us.

14. Virginia Tech President Charles Steger said the university was struck with a tragedy that can be considered of monumental proportions.
弗吉尼亚理工大学校长Charles Steger表示,整个学校对这次被认为具有深远影响的惨剧震惊了。。

15. be struck with

15. Children and wife choke with tears: their father and husband has passed on. Though his sudden death has struck to their heart, they have not turned away from others'need. His organs will be transplanted.

16. Yet, though such criminal propensities had never been an inmate of his bosom in any shape or form, he certainly did feel and no denying it (while inwardly remaining what he was) a certain kind of admiration for a man who had actually brandished a knife, cold steel, with the courage of his political convictions (though, personally, he would never be a party to any such thing), off the same bat as those love vendettas of the south, have her or swing for her, when the husband frequently, after some words passed between the two concerning her relations with the other lucky mortal, inflicted fatal injuries on his adored one as a result of an alternative postnuptial liaison by plunging his knife into her, until it just struck him that Fitz, nicknamed Skin-the-Goat, merely drove the car for the actual perpetrators of the outrage and so was not, if he was reliably informed, actually party to the ambush which, in point of fact, was the plea some legal luminary saved his skin on.

17. It is clear that America`s leaders should be wary of the bilateral talks that Mr Kim seeks: North Korea has a history of negotiating in bad faith. It signed a 1994 deal with the Clinton administration, only to cheat on it. Another deal was struck with George Bush`s government, only for North Korea to flounce out and, eventually, test short- and long-range rockets and at least one nuclear device.

18. be struck with的翻译

18. When men of a certain sort, ladies, are in love, though they see the hook and the string, and the whole apparatus with which they are to be taken, they gorge the bait nevertheless--they must come to it--they must swallow it--and are presently struck and landed gasping.

19. It happened one day about noon, going towards my boat, I was exceedingly surprised with the print of a man's naked foot in the shore, which was very plain to be seen in the sand: I stood like one thunder-struck, or as if I had seen an apparitio n; I listened, I looked round me, I could hear nothing, nor see any thing, I went up to a rising ground to look farther, I went up the shore and down the Shore, but it was all one, I could see no other impression but that one.

20. be struck with的近义词

20. When this reached the ears of the king, he was struck with wonder, and directed the knight to be taken from the pit.

I wasn't surprised when he turned out to be an impostor; something about his manner struck a false note with me.(他堕落成一个骗子时,我并不感到吃惊,他的举止中有些东西在我看来不诚恳。)
Hallmarking in Britain dates from 1300; no gold or silver could be sold until tested for purity and struck with the king's mark.(大不列颠从1300年开始便采用金银纯度印记;金或银要通过纯度试验和打上国王标记后才得以出售。)
In March 1985, just 18 months after celebrating their marriage at the acclaimed Royal Festival Hall, Clive was struck down with what is believed to be the most extreme case of amnesia ever recorded.(1985年3月,也就是他们在皇家节日厅举行婚礼后的刚刚18个月,克莱夫被一种健忘症打倒了,而且这种健忘症被认为是有这种记录以来最严重的。)
With therapy clients I am still pulled by the need to do more than be, yet repeatedly struck by the healing power of connection created by being fully there in the quiet understanding of another.(对那些来接受心理辅导的病人,我还是总想多“做”些什么,而不是单纯“陪”着他们,然而我不断震惊于两心相系所带来的治疗力量,这种力量产生于全身心陪伴在一个人的身边,默默地给予理解和支持。)
Cried the steward, struck with terror at this threat, "if that is the only reason I cannot remain in your service, I will tell all, for if I quit you, it will only be to go to the scaffold."(管家大声说道,他被这恐吓吓坏了,“假如只是为了这个原因我就不能再继续为您效劳了,我宁愿把一切都讲出来,因为我一离开您,就只能上断头台了。”)
As we read through this book of Proverbs we are going to be struck with so many similar ideas - for it is a book of God's wisdom whose price is far above rubies.(当我们通读《箴言》这本书时,我们会读到许多相似的意思——因为它是关于神的智慧的书,它的价值远远高于红宝石。)
But while the meat was still between their teeth and before it could be consumed, the anger of the Lord burned against the people, and he struck them with a severe plague.(肉在他们牙齿之间,尚未嚼烂,耶和华的怒气就向他们发作,用最重的灾殃击杀了他们。)
When you are writing real applications, you will be struck by just how many script and style files you have to deal with in your views.(当你写真实项目时,会遇到更多少的本和样式文件需要你的处理。)
Floodwater has continued to rise in the Australian state of Queensland, with the city of Rockhampton near the coast the latest to be struck by surging river levels.(澳大利亚昆士兰州的洪水仍不断上升,靠近海岸的罗克汉普顿是最新被滔滔江水袭击的城市。)
If the handle separates from the screwdriver as a result of being struck with a hammer, you or a fellow worker could be injured from the flying parts.(如果因锤敲击而导致螺丝刀与把手分离,则您或工作同伴可能会被飞起的部件伤到。)
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